for companies
Learning with the customers and employees of the future!
We support you in setting up and implementing reverse mentoring programs.
The tasks of managers are becoming more complex: motivating, promoting, digitizing, competing against startups and tech corporations - and developing themselves and the company in the process.
Reverse Mentoring helps with the core issues:
Understanding tomorrow's customers
Create social media and technology savvy
Developing an open feedback culture
Interpreting New Work and the requirements of digital talents
Are you interested in our Reverse Mentoring program?
We have several years of experience with a wide variety of organizations of different sizes and would be happy to support you in the implementation. In addition to conceptual support, we bring in our matching tool as well as inspiring digital natives with reverse mentoring experience.
Reverse Mentoring turns classic mentoring on its head. Here, the 'digital immigrants', i.e. those born before 1981, learn from the 'digital natives'. These can be junior staff, people just starting their careers or simply young employees. They have already absorbed technological developments with their mother's milk. Digital Natives set the pace in the markets and, with their changed habits, are a major reason why conventional business models that have been in place for many decades are coming under increasing attack. In addition, digital natives are an extremly relevant traget group due to strong and increasing consumer behavior.
Reverse Mentoring helpt to better understand the future. Because you learn from and with the customers and employees of the future.
Reverse Mentoring is more than just an exchange on digitization: It promotes cultural change in the company with the aim of anchoring digital know-how and a new mindset in the organization. It is not about theoretical knowledge, colorful beanbags and beautiful posters in the lobby, but about a lively exchange, getting to know th perspectives of different generations.
Reverse mentoring process:
One manager and one digital native form a 'tandem' for the duration of the program, which lasts six to twelve months. In addition to internal talents, the use of external digital natives is also cruical to success. They provide additional impetus and are more open/direct in their feedback.
To get a perfect match, the respective interests as well as supply and demand are specified in a profile - similar to a dating app. These information can then be used to match the tandems. With us, this is done AI-supported on request, with the DIGITAL8 matching software.
A kickoff event helps as an 'icebreaker' for the tandems and offers the first opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. The organizational framework, goals and initial focus topics are defined.
Approximately 2 meetings per quarter take place over a period of 6-18 months. Video exchange, meeting at events or classic shadowing are further options. A closing event with all participants rounds off the program.
implementing reverse mentoring within the own business
Reverse Mentoring is a quick-win and is easily implemented without much hassle. We are happy to support you! The first steps can be e.g. conception and realisation of a pilot program. Beside the accompainment, our own matching system aid finds the optimal matchings. We pair up inspiring reverse mentoring experiences digital natives from our network. The necessary qualification of experts and mentors is also an element of our accompainment.
Curious? We are looking forward to your message!
Are there any ambiguities or need further advice? Feel free to contact our community manager and reverse mentoring expert Toni:
Phone: 069-34868968
Of course, reverse mentoring is only one building block for a successful transformation. For sustainable success, you need the courage to change! With we therefore also offer a wide range of other support formats for (digital) cultural change.