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our offer

We are different, fresh and better than expensive PowerPoint presentations and complicated concepts. We focus on the tangible experience of change.


Because successful digital transformation requires more than processes and technology. We sow a digital culture with small, quick and easy to implement steps.


Informal exchange between Digital Natives and experienced decision-makers with a high learning effect!


The tasks of managers are becoming more complex: motivating, promoting, digitizing, competing against startups and tech companies - and developing themselves and the company in the process. Reverse mentoring helps with the core topics:


  • Understanding tomorrow's customers

  • Creating social media and technology savvy

  • Developing an open feedback culture

  • Interpreting new work and digital talent requierments


Setup: Approx. 45-60 min. in a casual atmosphere, individual topic focus, no fixed agenda, ideally every 6-8 weeks.


Anker RM

Lectures/ Key Notes

Inspiring keynote speech by a  Digitale Native.


Digital transformation start in the mind. Awarness of change in the market, continous reinvention and lifelong learning ar key success factors. We get the ball rolling with exciting topics, e.g.:


  • "Mind the Gap" –  Digital cultures and know-how as key success factors

  • "Work 4.0" – The demnads of the future generation on the workplace and employer

  • "Digital Natives & Social Media" – Understanding tomorrow's customers

  • Focused key areas such as coding, blockchain, quantum computing, and more



Setup: Approx. 30-60 min., create awarness for  digital change and give new impulses, digital update from "native speakers".





Transformation ahead! Workshops & Digital Know-How Sessions complement our "Keynote" format with interactive elements and concrete applications.


After a short impulse, it´s time to CREATE! Experiment and collaborate. With a wide range of possible focual points:


  • Understanding the future: How does the younger generations think? (Gen-Y, Gen-Z)
  • Ideation/ Innovation (Design Thinking, etc.)
  • Digital Native and/or Startup- Speed dating
  • Coding School: Understanding IT developers better and writing your own first lines of code


Setup: Approx. 120 min. - 3 days, as one-time impulse or series, individual variants and topics possible.



More diversity = better results! Time to involve the younger generation in strategic decisions as well.


We help to set up participation commitees with outstanding digital natives from different backgrounds (IT, startup, creative industry, Fridays for Future,...):


  • Selectively on specific issues (e.g. feedback on social media presence, employer brandking, sustainablilty)

  • Also regulary in management boards or as an upstream sounding board to the board meeting, supervisory board etc.


Setup: Duration varies depending ont the project, we provide support on an individual basis and on site.




Detox for Social Media-Junkies.

And those who do not want to become one.

Conscious use of social media - how do I avoid the 'additction effect'?


Inspiring impulse lecture on site or via video conference (Teams, Zoom, WebEx,...) with subsequent discussion.


Our social media rehab helps with the core topics:

  • Better understanding of the impact of social media

  • Learning about options for action to reduce dependency

  • Take away concrete approaches for me/my organization​


Setup: 30 Min. Impulse + 15 Min. flexible time for Q&As, identation takeaways


Besetzung High Potentials

Book one (or more) digital natives to help with specific projects!


In the next few years, Millenials and Gen-Z will turn every industry upside down. We bring a young voice, fresh wind and future into your project. We help you to set up strategies and offers fit for the future:


  • Concrete and individual support in the development of new products, innovation/strategy concepts or HR measures.

  • We analyse your needs and find an outstanding digital native from our network to support your project team on site


Setup: Duration depending on the project, we provide individual and on-site support.





Individual support for strategy, innovation and future projects.


Further project examples:


  • Social Media-Review – First aid and implementation of quick wins

  • FuckUp-Nights - To strenghten the culture of mistakes, managers/employees report ont heir mistkes and what they have learned from them
  • Critical Reflection - On existing products/innovation processes, customer and employee communication or collaboration in your company


Image by Jason Goodman

Startup Inspiration

Whether open-plan office, workshop room or executive floor - with our equipment package you bring inspiration and innovation into your business premises!


  • Startup-Feeling: For employees, executives, entrepreneurs, corporation, medium-sized bussines and founders

  • Inspiration & Motivation: Visualizes change and created an innovative work environment

  • Your Office quickly & easy pimped: Complete equipment packages at fair prices

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